Join ENSTA Alumni

Why contribute?

Joining the Association means :
  1. Belonging to and contributing to the ENSTA Parisalumni network
  2. Share the values of community solidarity, commitment to excellence and openness to the world
  3. Benefit froma range of services

Who can contribute?

  1. ENSTA Parisgraduates (annual membership fee of €20 or €60 depending on year of graduation)
  2. ENSTA Parisstudents (€30 membership fee for the duration of their studies)

How to contribute

By CB visa or Mastercard from the Association's website

I log on to my personal space and click on "pay my contribution"; I validate the elements of the form and then let myself be guided by the secure payment system.

By cheque

I make my cheque payable to ENSTA Alumni and send it to the Association's office (828 Bd des Maréchaux - 91762 Palaiseau), together with my "graduates" membership form or my"students" membership form.

By bank transfer
From my bank account, I write "Cotis20 Nom Prénom Promo" or "Don20 Nom Prénom Promo" and send it to the ENSTA Alumni Caisse d'Epargne account:
Institution Counter Account Key RIB
17515 90000 08081219843 67
IBAN: FR 76 1751 5900 0008 0812 1984 367 BIC : CEPAFRPP751
By direct debit
  • If it's my first time: I'll send an e-mail to the Association secretariat[@] asking to receive the SEPA direct debit authorization form, which I'll then fill in and send to the Association office(828 bd des Maréchaux - 91762 Palaiseau);
  • If I have already subscribed to direct debit: I don't need to do anything; an e-mail from the Association will notify me each year of the date on which my annual membership fee will be debited.
Only the membership fee is deducted. To make a donation, log on to mypersonal space.
In all cases, I complete the membership form and return it to the Association.